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Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2023_0266, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529914


ABSTRACT Introduction: In prolonged physical activities, water replacement and muscle glycogen content are limiting factors in marathon runners. Carbohydrate-loading (CHO) in the days prior to endurance competition is a commonly employed method to optimise muscle glycogen stores and optimise exercise performance. Since each gram of muscle glycogen binds ∼2.7-4 grams of water, water retention may occur during carbohydrate-loading diets. Objective: To evaluate differences between CHO loading strategies (Bergström and Sherman) on intracellular (ICW) and extracellular (ECW) water content. Methods: Twenty-three runners were randomly allocated to two interventions (Bergström and Sherman) in a crossover design. Participants underwent a baseline evaluation before 3 days of glycogen depletion followed by 3 days of carbohydrate loading with a washout of 30 days consisting of normal diet and training. Multifrequency bioimpedance (BIS) was used to assess ICW and ECW at Baseline, Post-depletion and Post-CHO to determine any differences between Bergström and Sherman protocols. Blood samples were also obtained to assess potassium levels. Associations between ICW and ECW and muscle glycogen were determined. Results: There were no differences in ICW or ECW content between the two interventions at any moment. There was an effect of time for ICW, with an increase from Post-depletion to Post-CHO without any difference between interventions. Plasma potassium decreased from Baseline to Post-depletion in both conditions. There was no difference in muscle glycogen content between interventions or moments. Conclusion: There were no differences in ICW and ECW content between the Bergström and Sherman interventions at any moment. Level of Evidence I; Tests of Previously Developed Diagnostic Criteria.

RESUMEN Introducción: En actividades físicas prolongadas, la reposición de agua y el glucógeno muscular son factores limitantes en los corredores de maratón. La carga de carbohidratos (CHO) en los días previos a la competencia de resistencia es un método empleado para optimizar las reservas de glucógeno muscular y el rendimiento del ejercicio. Cómo cada gramo de glucógeno muscular se une a ≈ 2,7 a 4 gramos de agua, puede producirse retención de agua durante las dietas ricas en carbohidratos. Objetivo: Evaluar las diferencias entre las estrategias de carga de carbohidratos (Bergström y Sherman) en el contenido de agua intracelular (AIC) o extracelular (AEC). Métodos: Veintitrés corredores fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos intervenciones (Bergström y Sherman) en un diseño cruzado. Los participantes se sometieron a una evaluación inicial antes de los 3 días de agotamiento del glucógeno, seguido de 3 días de carga de carbohidratos con un tiempo de "washout" de 30 días que consistía en una dieta y entrenamiento normales. Se utilizó bioimpedancia multifrecuencia (BIS) para evaluar AIC y AEC al inicio, después del agotamiento y después de CHO para determinar cualquier diferencia entre las dos intervenciones. También se obtuvieron muestras de sangre para evaluar el potasio. Se determinaron asociaciones entre AIC, AEC y glucógeno muscular. Resultados: No hubo diferencias en el contenido de AIC o AEC entre las dos intervenciones en ningún momento. Hubo un efecto de tiempo para AIC, con un aumento desde Post-agotamiento hasta Post-CHO sin ninguna diferencia entre las intervenciones. El potasio plasmático disminuyó entre el inicio y el post-agotamiento en ambas condiciones. No hubo diferencia en el contenido de glucógeno muscular entre las intervenciones o momentos. Conclusión: No hubo diferencias en el contenido de AIC y AEC entre las dos intervenciones en ningún momento. Nivel de Evidencia I; Pruebas de Criterios Diagnóstico Desarrollados Previamente.

RESUMO Introdução: Em atividades físicas prolongadas a reposição hídrica e o conteúdo de glicogênio muscular são fatores limitantes em corredores de maratonas. O carregamento de carboidrato (CHO) nos dias anteriores à competição de resistência é um método comumente empregado para otimizar os estoques de glicogênio muscular e o desempenho no exercício. Uma vez que cada grama de glicogênio muscular liga-se a ≈2,7 a 4 gramas de água, a retenção hídrica pode ocorrer durante dietas de carregamento de carboidrato. Objetivo: Avaliar diferenças entre as estratégias de carregamento de carboidratos (Bergström e Sherman) no teor de água intracelular (AIC) ou água extracelular (AEC). Métodos: Vinte e três corredores foram alocados aleatoriamente para duas intervenções (Bergström e Sherman) num delineamento em "crossover". Os participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial antes dos 3 dias de depleção de glicogênio, seguidos por 3 dias de carga de carboidratos com tempo de "washout" de 30 dias consistindo em dieta e treinamento normais. Utilizou-se a bioimpedância multifrequencial (BIS) para avaliar AIC e AEC na Etapa Inicial, Pós-depleção e Pós-CHO para determinar quaisquer diferenças entre os protocolos de Bersgstrom e Sherman. Também foram obtidas coletas de sangue para avaliar o potássio. Foram determinadas associações entre AIC, AEC e glicogênio muscular. Resultados: Não houve diferenças no conteúdo de AIC ou AEC entre as duas intervenções em qualquer momento. Houve um efeito do tempo para AIC, com aumento da etapa Pós-depleção para Pós-CHO sem qualquer diferença entre as intervenções. O potássio plasmático diminuiu entre a Linha de base e Pós-depleção em ambas condições. Não houve diferença no conteúdo de glicogênio muscular entre intervenções ou momentos. Conclusão: Não houve diferenças no conteúdo de AIC e AEC entre as intervenções de Bergström e Sherman em qualquer momento. Nível de Evidência I; Testes de Critérios Diagnósticos Desenvolvidos Anteriormente.

Ludovica Pediatr ; 25(2): 41-58, dic.2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414378


El aporte de fluidos constituye un elemento central en la atención del paciente pediátrico hospitalizado, existiendo aún controversias acerca de cuál es la composición óptima, la dosis adecuada y la mejor estrategia para administrar los mismos. El propósito de este artículo de actualización es brindar al médico que se desempeña en las diferentes áreas de la internación pediátrica, conceptos y enfoques terapéuticos que lo ayuden en la asistencia de los pacientes que por diversos motivos requieren la administración de fluidos endovenosos. La recomendación de utilizar cristaloides en la reanimación es casi uniforme. Se observa una clara tendencia al uso de soluciones isotónicas balanceadas para la reposición del déficit previo y el aporte de fluidos de mantenimiento. En relación a la dosis y a la estrategia, es generalizada la recomendación de un enfoque más restrictivo en el aporte de volumen, aún en los pacientes con shock, donde es necesario lograr un balance entre una resucitación efectiva y el riesgo de sobrecarga de fluidos. Respecto a la administración de albúmina al 20% en el paciente crítico con hipoalbuminemia, la evidencia existente es escasa y no permite formular recomendaciones. Sin embargo, es frecuente su uso en la práctica asistencial

Intravenous fluids administration is a central element in the care of hospitalized pediatric patients, and there are still controversies about what is the optimal composition, the appropriate dose, and the best strategy for their administration. The purpose of this narrative review is to provide the physicians who works in the different areas of pediatric hospitalization, concepts and therapeutic approaches that help them in the care of patients who for diverse reasons require administration of intravenous fluids. The recommendation to use crystalloids in resuscitation is almost uniform. There is a clear trend towards the use of balanced isotonic solutions to replace the previous deficit and the supply of maintenance fluids. In relation to the dose and strategy, the recommendation of a more restrictive approach in volume administration is generalized, even in patients with shock, where it is necessary to strike a balance between effective resuscitation and the risk of fluid overload. Regarding the administration of 20% albumin in critically ill patients with hypoalbuminemia, the existing evidence is scarce and does not allow recommendations to be formulated. However, it is frequently used in healthcare practice

Humans , Child , Critical Care , Fluid Therapy , Shock/therapy , Electrolytes/administration & dosage , Hypotonic Solutions/administration & dosage , Isotonic Solutions/administration & dosage
Medisan ; 26(3)jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405806


Introducción: La administración de fluidos constituye uno de los pilares de tratamiento en pacientes que ingresan en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, en quienes la reanimación inadecuada y la sobrecarga de volumen empeoran el pronóstico. Objetivo: Caracterizar el estado de la administración de fluidos a pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola de Ciego de Ávila y su relación con la mortalidad. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo analítico y prospectivo de 147 pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola de Ciego de Ávila durante el primer semestre de 2020, para lo cual se evaluaron 598 pruebas de fluidos, algunas variables hemodinámicas y el balance de líquidos en las primeras 72 horas del ingreso. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 48,3 años, predominaron las mujeres (55,8 %), la puntuación de APACHE II al ingreso resultó ser de 14,2 puntos y fallecieron 22,4 % de los afectados. Para administrar fluidos prevaleció el criterio clínico (57,2%); mientras que la presión venosa central, la frecuencia cardíaca, la presión arterial media y la diuresis fueron similares en vivos y fallecidos. El balance acumulado de fluidos fue significativamente superior en el grupo de pacientes fallecidos (1984,70 mL vs 260mL). Conclusiones: Los cambios en los parámetros vitales después de administrar fluidos no fueron útiles para evaluar la respuesta al volumen. El balance acumulado de fluidos se relacionó de forma significativa con la mortalidad.

Introduction: Fluids administration constitutes one of the treatment pillars in patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit in which the inadequate reanimation and overload of volume worsen the prognosis. Objective: To characterize the state of fluid administration to patients admitted to the Intensive Cares Units of Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola Teaching General Hospital in Ciego de Ávila and its relationship with mortality. Methods: An analytic and prospective descriptive study of 147 patients admitted to the Intensive Cares Units of Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola Teaching General Hospital was carried out in Ciego de Ávila during the first semester of 2020, for which 598 tests of fluids, some hemodynamic variables and the balance of liquids were evaluated in the first 72 hours of admission. Results: The average age was 48.3 years, there was a prevalence of women (55.8 %), the punctuation of APACHE II at admission was 14.2 points and 22.4 % of those affected died. To administer fluids the clinical approach prevailed (57.2 %); while the central venous pressure, heart frequency, the mean arterial pressure and diuresis were similar in alive and dead patients. The accumulated balance of fluids was significantly higher in the group of dead patients (1984.70 mL vs 260 mL). Conclusions: The changes in the vital parameters after administering fluids were not useful to evaluate the response to the volume. The accumulated balance of fluids was related to mortality in a significant way.

Water-Electrolyte Balance , Patient Acuity , Fluid Therapy , Secondary Care , Mortality , Intensive Care Units
Cambios rev. méd ; 21(1): 766, 30 Junio 2022. tabs, grafs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400392


INTRODUCCIÓN. La crisis suprarrenal se refiere a la insuficiencia suprarrenal aguda; la cual es un trastorno en el que la corteza adrenal no produce suficientes hormonas esteroides (en especial cortisol) para satisfacer las demandas del cuerpo, de acuerdo al mecanismo fisiopatológico se la puede clasificar como primaria, secundaria y terciaria, siendo más común en pacientes con insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria. Es una emergencia potencialmente mortal que requiere tratamiento inmediato. OBJETIVO. Establecer una estrategia de prevención y tratamiento de la crisis suprarrenal, así como la farmacoterapia ideal y sus alternativas válidas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en varias revistas virtuales de alto carácter científico como Cochrane Library, Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, MEDLINE a través de PubMed y Se seleccionaron revisiones sistemáticas con o sin metaanálisis, ensayos clínicos y recomendaciones de expertos relacionados con prevención y tratamiento de crisis suprarrenal en general. RESULTADOS. Se obtuvieron 1819 resultados, de los cuales se seleccionaron 20 artículos con mayor validez y replicabilidad en el medio para establecer un protocolo unificado de actuación. CONCLUSIÓN. El objetivo de la terapia es el tratamiento de la hipotensión y reversión de las anomalías electrolíticas y de la deficiencia de cortisol. Se deben infundir por vía intravenosa grandes volúmenes (1 a 3 litros) de solución salina al 0,9% o dextrosa al 5% en solución salina al 0,9% y la administración de hidrocortisona (bolo de 100 mg), seguido de 50 mg cada 6 horas (o 200 mg / 24 horas como infusión continua durante las primeras 24 horas). Si no se dispone de hidrocortisona, las alternativas incluyen prednisolona, prednisona y dexametasona.

INTRODUCTION. Adrenal crisis refers to acute adrenal insufficiency; which is a disorder in which the adrenal cortex does not produce enough steroid hormones (especially cortisol) to meet the body's demands, according to the pathophysiological mechanism it can be classified as primary, secondary and tertiary, being more common in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency. It is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate treatment. OBJECTIVE. To establish a strategy for the prevention and treatment of adrenal crisis, as well as the ideal pharmacotherapy and its valid alternatives. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A literature review was performed in several highly scientific virtual journals such as Cochrane Library, Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, MEDLINE through PubMed and Systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis, clinical trials and expert recommendations related to prevention and treatment of adrenal crisis in general were selected. RESULTS. A total of 1819 results were obtained, from which 20 articles with greater validity and replicability in the setting were selected to establish a unified protocol for action. CONCLUSIONS. The aim of therapy is the treatment of hypotension and reversal of electrolyte abnormalities and cortisol deficiency. Large volumes (1 to 3 liters) of 0.9% saline or 5% dextrose in 0.9% saline and administration of hydrocortisone (100 mg bolus), followed by 50 mg every 6 hours (or 200 mg / 24 hours as a continuous infusion for the first 24 hours) should be infused intravenously. If hydrocortisone is not available, alternatives include prednisolone, prednisone, and dexamethasone.

Humans , Male , Female , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance , Hydrocortisone/therapeutic use , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Adrenal Insufficiency/drug therapy , Fluid Therapy , Hypotension , Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase , Dexamethasone , Prednisolone , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone , Ecuador , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System
Med. infant ; 28(1): 16-22, Marzo 2021. ilus, Tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1282313


Introducción: Para disminuir la aparición de hiponatremias en los últimos años se aumentaron las concentraciones de sodio en las soluciones de mantenimiento, llegando a recomendarse las isotónicas, con mejoras de laboratorio pero con dudoso impacto clínico. En el Hospital Garrahan se utiliza una solución estándar hipotónica con cloruro de sodio 0,45%. Antes de reemplazar la solución según recomendaciones internacionales se decidió establecer la prevalencia de hiponatremia en pacientes internados, y su asociación con la solución estándar de hidratación. Población y métodos: Pacientes de 1 mes a 18 años, internados en el Hospital Garrahan. Estudio prospectivo y observacional. Se registró si el paciente recibía hidratación parenteral y la concentración de sodio. Se consideró hiponatremia significativa la presencia de sodio sérico menor a 130 mEq/L. y/o la presencia de síntomas compatibles con hiponatremia. Resultados: En 3003 internaciones la prevalencia global de hiponatremias diagnosticadas fue 4.4%, y asciende a 6.3% si se consideran solo los pacientes que fueron estudiados con ionograma (se le extrajo ionograma al 70,6% de los pacientes internados). La prevalencia de hiponatremias significativas fue de 1.5% (n=44) de los internados, y las hiponatremias significativas en internados que recibían la solución hipotónica estándar de mantenimiento fue de 0.3% (n=9). Conclusiones: En una población donde se utiliza una solución estándar con cloruro de sodio 0,45% -pero se modifica individualmente para las necesidades de cada paciente- la prevalencia de hiponatremias totales y significativas fue similar e incluso inferior a la publicada en otras series. (AU)

Introduction: To reduce the appearance of hyponatremia, in recent years, sodium concentrations were increased in maintenance solutions, and isotonic solutions were recommended, leading to improvements in laboratory studies, but with a doubtful clinical impact. A standard hypotonic solution with 0.45% sodium chloride is used at Garrahan Hospital. Before replacing the solution according to international recommendations, it was decided to determine the prevalence of hyponatremia in inpatients and its association with the standard hydration solution. Population and methods: Patients from 1 month to 18 years old, hospitalized at Garrahan Hospital. Prospective and observational study. Parenteral hydration of the patient and the sodium concentration were recorded. Significant hyponatremia was defined as serum sodium less than 130 mEq/L, and/or the presence of symptoms of hyponatremia. Results: In 3003 hospitalizations, the overall prevalence of diagnosed hyponatremia was 4.4%, increasing to 6.3% if only patients in whom a ionogram was performed were included (a ionogram was performed in 70.6% of the inpatients). Of all inpatients, 1.5% (n=44) had significant hyponatremia, and 0.3% (n=9) of the patients receiving the standard maintenance hypotonic solution had significant hyponatremia. Conclusions: In a population in whom a standard solution with 0.45% sodium chloride is used - but which is individually modified according to the needs of each patient - the prevalence of total and significant hyponatremia was similar and even lower than that reported in other series (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Osmolar Concentration , Water-Electrolyte Balance , Child, Hospitalized , Fluid Therapy , Hospitals, Pediatric/statistics & numerical data , Hyponatremia/therapy , Hyponatremia/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Cohort Studies
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(1): 62-66, feb. 2021. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1147175


El síndrome urémico hemolítico asociado a diarrea es precedido por una gastroenteritis por Escherichia coli productora de toxina Shiga. Se recomiendan medidas de sostén, especialmente, la restricción hídrica para evitar la sobrecarga cardiopulmonar. Sin embargo, la expansión de volumen con líquidos isotónicos, en el período prodrómico o síndrome urémico hemolítico establecido, es segura y eficaz, reduce los requerimientos de diálisis, los días de internación y de terapia intensiva, los eventos neurológicos y la hiponatremia.Por ello, se propone, bajo supervisión nefrológica y/o garantizando el acceso a un centro de alta complejidad a corto plazo, hidratar a todo paciente sin signos de sobrecarga cardiopulmonar, independientemente de su función renal, con expansión inicial de volumen. Luego, si se logra una diuresis adecuada, no dializarlo (excepto que presente un trastorno metabólico/electrolítico intratable médicamente) y continuar la hidratación con una solución isotónica de dextrosa al 5 % para una adecuada hidratación y diuresis.

Diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome is preceded by gastroenteritis due to Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli. Support measures are recommended, specifically, fluid restriction to avoid cardiopulmonary overload. However, in the prodromal period or with established hemolytic uremic syndrome, volume expansion with isotonic fluids is safe and effective, and reduces the need for dialysis, the length of hospital and intensive care stay, neurological events, and hyponatremia.Therefore, when nephrological monitoring is available and/or short-term access to a tertiary care hospital is guaranteed, it is suggested to hydrate patients with no signs of cardiopulmonary overload, regardless of their renal function, with initial volume expansion. Afterwards, if an adequate urine output is achieved, the patient should not be dialyzed (except if they have a medically intractable metabolic/electrolyte disorder) and hydration should be continued with an isotonic solution containing 5 % dextrose for adequate hydration and urine output.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Fluid Therapy , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome , Pediatrics , Dehydration/complications , Extracellular Fluid
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(1): 70-74, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156107


ABSTRACT Introduction Dehydration has been described as one of the main factors of reduced performance in combat sports activities, leading to death in extreme cases. Objective To investigate the pre-training hydration status and changes in fluid homeostasis during two taekwondo training sessions. Methods Eighteen male college athletes (age 22.6 ± 3.37 years) were assessed. The study design aimed to reproduce the conditions of a 90-minute taekwondo training session, divided into three stages: a) warm-up exercises (20 min); b) poomsae (30 min) and c) technical training (40 min). The athletes had ad libitum water intake during training. To assess the hydration status we considered body mass (BM), the amount of liquid consumed and urine output, which enabled us to establish absolute and relative fluid loss in kg and percentage as well as the sweating rate. We also considered urine specific gravity (USG), urine color (U-COL), and subjective sensation of thirst (Sthirst) before and after the training session. Pre- and post-training results were compared separately in each session and between sessions. Results There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in pre-training BM between the two days of training. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the final BM on both days of the experiment. Most subjects had relative dehydration below 2%. A significant difference (P<0.05) was recorded pre and post training for U-COL and Sthirst, with the highest rates obtained at the end of each session. Participants always started training at a low dehydration status (USG >1, Conclusions The athletes tended to start the training sessions in dehydration status, which increases over the course of the training. Ad libitum water intake was not sufficient to balance fluid loss. Changes in fluid levels between sessions were similar. Level of Evidence II; Therapeutic Studies Investigating the Results Level of Treatment.

RESUMO Introdução A desidratação tem sido descrita como um dos principais fatores de redução de desempenho em atividades de luta, levando, em casos extremos, à morte. Objetivos Investigar o estado da hidratação antes do treino e as alterações no balanço hídrico corporal durante dois treinamentos de taekwondo. Métodos Foram avaliados 18 atletas universitários do sexo masculino (22,6 ± 3,37 anos). O desenho do estudo procurou reproduzir uma condição de treinamento de taekwondo com duração de 90 minutos, dividido em três etapas: a) aquecimento (20 min.), b) poomsae (30 min.) e c) treino técnico (40 min.). Durante o treino, adotou-se o consumo de água ad libitum. Para avaliar o estado de hidratação, considerou-se a massa corporal (MC), a quantidade de líquido consumido e o volume de urina produzido, o que permitiu estabelecer a perda hídrica absoluta e relativa em kg e porcentagem, além da taxa de sudorese. Foi considerada ainda a gravidade específica da urina (GEU), bem como sua coloração (COL-U), além da sensação subjetiva de sede (SSede) antes e depois do treino. Os resultados antes e depois do treino foram comparados de forma isolada em cada sessão, assim como entre as sessões. Resultados Houve diferença significativa (P < 0,05) da MC pré-treinamento entre os dois dias de treino. Houve redução significativa (P < 0,05) da MC final em ambos os dias de experimento. A maior parte dos avaliados apresentou desidratação relativa inferior a 2%. Registrou-se diferença significativa (P < 0,05) antes e depois do treino para COL-U e para SSede, com os maiores índices obtidos ao final de cada sessão. Os participantes sempre iniciaram o comparados de forma isolada em cada sessão, assim como entre as sessões. Resultados Houve diferença significativa (P < 0,05) da MC pré-treinamento entre os dois dias de treino. Houve redução significativa (P < 0,05) da MC final em ambos os dias de experimento. A maior parte dos avaliados apresentou desidratação relativa inferior a 2%. Registrou-se diferença significativa (P < 0,05) antes e depois do treino para COL-U e para SSede, com os maiores índices obtidos ao final de cada sessão. Os participantes sempre iniciaram o treinamento em leve estado de desidratação (GEU > 1.020 Conclusões Os atletas tendem a iniciar os treinamentos em estado de desidratação, que se amplia durante o treino. O consumo de líquidos ad libitum não foi suficiente para equilibrar a perda hídrica. As alterações hídricas entre as sessões foram semelhantes. Nível de Evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos- Investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción La deshidratación ha sido descrita como uno de los principales factores de reducción del desempeño en actividades de lucha, llevando, en casos extremos, a la muerte. Objetivos Investigar el estado de la hidratación antes del entrenamiento y las alteraciones en el balance hídrico corporal durante dos entrenamientos de taekwondo. Métodos Se evaluaron 18 atletas universitarios del sexo masculino (22,6 ± 3,37 años). El diseño del estudio intentó reproducir una condición de entrenamiento de taekwondo con duración de 90 minutos, dividido en tres etapas: a) calentamiento (20 min); b) poomsae (30 min); y c) entrenamiento técnico (40 min). Durante el entrenamiento, se adoptó el consumo de agua ad libitum. Para evaluar el estado de hidratación, se consideró la masa corporal (MC), la cantidad de líquido consumido y el volumen de orina producido, lo que permitió establecer la pérdida hídrica absoluta y relativa en kg y porcentaje, además de la tasa de sudoración. Fue considerada además la gravedad específica de la orina (GEO), así como su coloración (COL-O), además de la sensación subjetiva de sed (SSed), antes y después del entrenamiento. Los resultados antes y después del entrenamiento fueron comparados de forma aislada en cada sesión, así como entre las sesiones. Resultados Hubo diferencia significativa (P<0,05) de la MC preentrenamiento entre los dos días de entrenamiento. Hubo reducción significativa (P<0,05) de la MC final en ambos días de experimento. La mayor parte de los evaluados presentó deshidratación relativa inferior a 2%. Se registró diferencia significativa (P<0,05) antes y después del entrenamiento para COL-O y para SSed, con los mayores índices obtenidos al final de cada sesión. Los participantes siempre iniciaron el entrenamiento en leve estado de deshidratación (GEO > 1.020 Conclusiones Los atletas tienden a iniciar los entrenamientos en estado de deshidratación, que se amplía durante el entrenamiento. El consumo de líquidos ad libitum no fue suficiente para equilibrar la pérdida hídrica. Las alteraciones hídricas entre las sesiones fueron semejantes. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Water-Electrolyte Balance/physiology , Martial Arts/physiology , Drinking , Urinalysis , Athletes
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(8): e20200482, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249548


ABSTRACT: This study investigated the alkalinizing potential of an intravenous polyionic solution containing 84 mEq/L of lactate on hydroelectrolyte and acid-base balances in healthy goats.Four solutions, containing 28 and 84 mEq/L of lactate (L28 and L84) or bicarbonate (B28 and B84), were formulated. Six healthy Saanen goats were used. All four solutions were infused intravenously in each animal, one at a time, with an interval of 4-5 days between the infusions, at a speed of 33.3 mL/kg/h and totaling a volume equivalent to 10% of their body weight, in 3 h of continuous administration. Samples of venous blood and urine were collected at 0h (start of the infusion), 1.5h (middle of the infusion), 3h (end of the infusion), and 4.5h, 6h, and 24 h from the start of the infusion. The laboratory tests includeddetermination of blood pH, pCO2,HCO3 -, base excess (BE), Na+, K+, Cl-, total plasmatic protein, L-lactate, and creatinine. In urine samples, pH, Na+, K+, Cl-, L-lactate, and creatinine were measured. The L28 solution, equivalent to lactated Ringer's solution, caused a slight increase in the alkaline reserve and did not change the electrolyte balance. The L84 solution resulted in a greater increase in the alkaline reserve, equivalent to the B84 solution, with return to baseline values within 24 h from the start of the infusion.The L84 solution proved to be safe and produced iatrogenic alkalization when infused into healthy goats, without causing side effects.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o potencial alcalinizante de uma solução poli-iônica intravenosa contendo 84mEq/L de lactato no equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido base de cabras saudáveis. Quatro soluções contendo 28 e 84 mEq/L de lactato (L28 e L84) ou bicarbonato (B28 e B84) foram formuladas. Seis cabras, adultas, da raça Saanen, saudáveis receberam as quatro soluções por via intravenosa, uma de cada vez, com intervalo de quatro a cinco dias entre as infusões, a velocidade de 33,3 ml/kg/h, totalizando um volume equivalente a 10% do seu peso corporal, em três horas de administração contínua. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue venoso e urina antes do início da infusão (0h), na metade (1,5h), no fim (3h) e às 4,5h, 6h e 24h após o início da infusão. Os exames laboratoriais consistiram na determinação do pH sanguíneo, pCO2, HCO3 -, BE, Na+, K+, Cl-, proteína plasmática total, lactato L e creatinina. Nas amostras de urina foram medidos o pH, Na+, K+, Cl-, lactato L e creatinina. A solução L28, equivalente à solução de Ringer com lactato, causou um aumento leve na reserva alcalina e não alterou o equilíbrio eletrolítico. A solução L84 resultou em maior aumento da reserva alcalina, equivalente à solução B84, com retorno dos parâmetros avaliados aos valores basais em até 24 horas após o início da infusão. A solução L84 provou-se segura e produziu alcalose iatrogência em cabras sadias, sem causar qualquer efeito colateral.

Rev. chil. anest ; 50(5): 704-708, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532904


INTRODUCTION: Minimally invasive esophagectomy aims to reduce complications compared to open esophagectomy. In this report of the first patient undergoing this procedure at Hospital Pasteur, we highlight the importance of multidisciplinary management, and the main anesthesiological objectives. OBJECTIVE: To present the case report highlighting the anesthetic management, together with the bibliographic review carried out in order to update the anesthetic action protocols, with the main objective of reducing the appearance of perioperative complications. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Bibliographic search in PubMed bibliographic databases. Initially, 67 articles were obtained, selecting 20 considered relevant by the authors. CLINICAL CASE: It was a 46-year-old patient coordinated for esophagectomy for squamous neoplasm. Rapid sequence induction, selective endobronchial intubation and anesthetic maintenance with Isoflurane and epidural analgesia were performed. The hydroelectric replacement was restricti- ve. The surgical technique was performed in 3 stages: thoracic time by thoracoscopy; a second laparoscopic abdominal stage and a third stage for left cervicotomy. Extubation was carried out in the operating room with transfer to the ICU where she remained for 6 days to manage analgesia and due to the presence of a mild infectious complication, with good subsequent evolution. CONCLUSION: The use of perioperative multidisciplinary management protocols has fundamental importance as a strategy aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality. Advances in surgical technique added to anesthetic management constitute strategies that aim to reduce perioperative complications.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La esofagectomía minimamente invasiva tiene como objetivo disminuir las complicaciones en comparación con la esofagectomía abierta. En este reporte del primer paciente sometido a este procedimiento en el Hospital Pasteur destacamos la importancia del manejo multidisciplinario, y los principales objetivos anestesiológicos. OBJETIVO: Presentar el reporte de caso destacando el manejo anestésico, junto con la revisión bibliográfica realizada en vistas a la actualización de protocolos de actuación anestésica, con objetivo principal de disminuir la aparición de complicaciones perioperatorias. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases bibliográficas PubMed. Inicialmente se obtuvieron 67 artículos, seleccionando 20 considerados relevantes por los autores. CASO CLÍNICO: Se trató de una paciente de 46 años coordinada para esofagectomía por neoplasma epidermoide. Se realizó inducción en secuencia rápida, intubación endobronquial selectiva y mantenimiento anestésico con Isofluorano y analgesia peridural. La reposición hidroelectrolítica fue restrictiva. La técnica quirúrgica se realizó en 3 tiempos: tiempo torácico por toracoscopía; un segundo tiempo abdominal laparoscópico y un tercer tiempo para cervicotomía izquierda. La extubación se realizó en sala de operaciones con traslado a CTI donde permaneció por 6 días para manejo de la analgesia y por presencia de complicación infecciosa leve, con buena evolución posterior. CONCLUSIÓN: Resulta de fundamental importancia el uso de protocolos de manejo multidisciplinario perioperatorio como estrategia destinada a disminuir la morbimortalidad. Los avances en cuanto a la técnica quirúrgica sumado al manejo anestésico constituyen estrategias que apuntan a disminuir las complicaciones perioperatorias.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Esophagectomy/methods , Anesthesia/methods , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Thoracoscopy , Analgesia, Epidural , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , One-Lung Ventilation , Fluid Therapy
Metro cienc ; 28(4): 4-15, 2020/10/29. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151636


RESUMEN La administración de líquidos y electrolitos parenterales es una terapia fundamental de soporte en niños agudamente enfermos si la vía oral no permite la administración de la cantidad o composición requeridas de fluidos, por ejemplo en enfermedades de tipo gastrointestinal, respiratorio, neurológico, o en el período transoperatorio. Al momento de planificar la administración de líquidos y electrolitos parenterales en niños a partir del mes de edad, se debe considerar componentes relacionados con la cantidad de líquidos a infundir considerando los requerimientos secundarios a pérdidas hídricas habituales o requerimientos para reacciones metabólicas, evaluar el grado de deshidratación para la administración de líquidos que complementen el déficit, corregir las pérdidas que se han producido secundarios a una noxa externa (enfermedad, procedimiento quirúrgico, trauma, etc.) y finalmente aportar la cantidad adecuada de fluido que permita re-establecer la perfusión tisular. Es necesario conocer los cambios instaurados basados en la evidencia actual con la finalidad de incorporar a el manejo frecuente de los pacientes considerando también la toxicidad ya sean cualitativos o cuantitativos de esta terapéutica tan necesaria en el manejo del paciente pediátrico

ABSTRACT The administration of parenteral fluids and electrolytes is a fundamental support therapy in acutely ill children if the oral route does not allow the ad-ministration of the required amount or composition of fluids, for example in gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurological, or transoperative diseas-es. When planning the administration of parenteral fluids and electrolytes in children from one month of age onwards, components related to the amount of fluids to be infused should be considered, taking into account the requirements secondary to habitual water loss or requirements for meta-bolic reactions, evaluating the degree of dehydration for the administration of fluids to supplement the deficit, correcting the losses that have oc-curred secondary to an external noxa (illness, surgical procedure, trauma, etc.) and finally providing the adequate amount of fluid to allow re-es-tablishment of tissue perfusion. It is necessary to know the changes established based on current evidence in order to incorporate to the frequent management of patients, also considering the toxicity, either qualitative or quantitative, of this therapy, so necessary in the management of the pediatric patient.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Pediatrics , Dehydration , Electrolytes , Fluid Therapy , Therapeutics , Disease , Toxicity
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 70(3): 194-201, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137179


Abstract Purpose: Kidney transplantation is the gold-standard treatment for end stage renal disease. Although different hemodynamic variables, like central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure, have been used to guide volume replacement during surgery, the best strategy still ought to be determined. Respiratory arterial Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) is recognized to be a good predictor of fluid responsiveness for perioperative hemodynamic optimization in operating room settings. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a PPV guided fluid management strategy is better than a liberal fluid strategy during kidney transplantation surgeries. Identification of differences in urine output in the first postoperative hour was the main objective of this study. Methods: We conducted a prospective, single blind, randomized controlled trial. We enrolled 40 patients who underwent kidney transplantation from deceased donors. Patients randomized in the "PPV" group received fluids whenever PPV was higher than 12%, patients in the "free fluid" group received fluids following our institutional standard care protocol for kidney transplantations (10 h-1). Results: Urinary output was similar at every time-point between the two groups, urea was statistically different from the third postoperative day with a peak at the fourth postoperative day and creatinine showed a similar trend, being statistically different from the second postoperative day. Urea, creatinine and urine output were not different at the hospital discharge. Conclusion: PPV guided fluid therapy during kidney transplantation significantly improves urea and creatinine levels in the first week after kidney transplantation surgery.

Resumo Objetivo: Transplante renal é o tratamento padrão-ouro na doença renal em estágio terminal. Embora diferentes variáveis hemodinâmicas, tais como pressão venosa central e pressão arterial média, têm sido usadas para orientar a estratégia de reposição volêmica durante a cirurgia, a melhor estratégia ainda não foi determinada. A Variação da Pressão de Pulso (VPP) durante o ciclo respiratório é reconhecida como um bom preditor da resposta à infusão de volume para otimização hemodinâmica perioperatória no centro cirúrgico. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar se a estratégia de reposição de volume orientada por VPP é melhor do que a estratégia liberal de reposição de volume durante cirurgia de transplante renal. O principal objetivo do estudo foi identificar diferença no débito urinário na primeira hora do pós-operatório. Método: Realizamos estudo prospectivo, unicego, randomizado, controlado. Incluímos 40 pacientes submetidos a transplante renal de doador cadáver. Pacientes randomizados para o Grupo VPP receberam volume quando a VPP estava acima de 12%, e os pacientes no Grupo Reposição Liberal receberam volume de acordo com o nosso protocolo institucional padrão de assistência para transplante renal (10 Resultados: O débito urinário foi semelhante em todos os tempos nos dois grupos, a ureia foi estatisticamente diferente a partir do terceiro dia do pós-operatório com pico no quarto dia do pós-operatório e a creatinina apresentou tendência semelhante, tornando-se estatisticamente diferente a partir do segundo dia do pós-operatório. Ureia, creatinina e débito urinário não estavam diferentes na alta hospitalar. Conclusões: A terapia orientada por VPP durante transplante renal melhorou de forma significativa os níveis de ureia e creatinina na primeira semana pós-transplante renal.

Humans , Male , Female , Blood Pressure , Kidney Transplantation , Fluid Therapy/methods , Intraoperative Care/methods , Kidney Failure, Chronic/surgery , Single-Blind Method , Prospective Studies , Middle Aged
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 387-395, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128267


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar estratégias terapêuticas para o tratamento de infecções broncopulmonares, utilizando a enrofloxacina de ação rápida e sua associação com suporte e fluidoterapia endovenosa ou suporte e solução oral energética e eletrolítica, por meio da mensuração de parâmetros clínicos, hematológicos, bioquímicos e desenvolvimento corporal de neonatos bovinos. Foram utilizadas 35 bezerras da raça Holandesa, monitoradas desde o nascimento até a sexta semana de vida, divididas aleatoriamente nos grupos: grupo CONTROLE; grupo antibiótico; grupo antibiótico + suporte + fluidoterapia endovenosa; grupo antibiótico + suporte + solução oral; e grupo SUPORTE. Os parâmetros zootécnicos foram avaliados do nascimento até a sexta semana de vida, e os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos foram avaliados zero, 24, 72 e 120 horas após diagnóstico da broncopneumonia. Os animais do grupo antibiótico + suporte + solução oral apresentaram menores níveis de eosinófilos e maiores níveis de neutrófilos segmentados em comparação aos animais dos demais grupos. Não houve diferença nos parâmetros zootécnicos avaliados. Neste estudo, o tratamento com antibiótico e solução oral ofereceu aos animais melhor aporte para combater a broncopneumonia, favorecendo o organismo a desenvolver uma resposta imune efetiva diante da infecção.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate therapeutic strategies for treatment of bronchopulmonary infections using fast-acting enrofloxacin and its association with support and endovenous fluid or support and oral energy and electrolytic solution, by measuring clinical, hematological, biochemical and development parameters of bovine neonates. Thirty-five Holstein calves, monitored from birth to six weeks of age, were randomly divided into five groups: control group; antibiotic group; antibiotic group + support + intravenous fluid therapy; antibiotic group + support + oral solution; and support group. The performance parameters were evaluated from birth to the 6th week of age and hematological and biochemical parameters were evaluated 0, 24, 72 and 120 hours after diagnosis of bronchopneumonia. Calves of the antibiotic group + support + oral solution group presented lower levels of eosinophils and higher levels of segmented neutrophils compared to the other groups. There was no difference in performance parameters evaluated. In this study, the treatment with antibiotic and oral solution offered the animals had a better contribution to treat bronchopneumonia, favoring the organism to develop an effective immune response to that infection.(AU)

Animals , Infant, Newborn , Cattle , Bronchopneumonia/veterinary , Electrolytes/administration & dosage , Enrofloxacin/administration & dosage , Fluid Therapy/veterinary , Animals, Newborn
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 77(1): 44-49, jan.-jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292270


OBJETIVO: Comparar a incidência de hiponatremia e complicações relacionadas nas crianças internadas na UTI Pediátrica tratadas com solução isotônica e hipotônica. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, tipo caso-controle. Grupo controle com manutenção de fluido hipotônico e grupo estudo com fluido isotônico. Incluído crianças admitidas na UTI Pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Curitiba. Excluídos diabetes mellitus, diabetes insípidos, hepatopatia crônica e menos de quatro horas de hidratação. RESULTADOS: Assim como a osmolaridade, apesar de não observarmos significância estatística, o sódio sérico do grupo hipotônico teve uma queda principalmente nas primeiras 12 horas enquanto o sódio sérico do grupo isotônico teve aumento progressivo nas primeira 48 horas. Não houve hipernatremia nos pacientes que hidrataram com solução isotônica. CONCLUSÃO: Observado uma tendência a hiponatremia no grupo controle de solução hipotônica. Complicações como alterações neurológicas ocorreu apenas no grupo com solução hipotônica após 12 horas de hidratação, porém sem significância estatística

OBJECTIVE: To compare the incidence of hyponatremia and related complications in children hospitalized in the Pediatric ICU treated with isotonic and hypotonic solution. METHODS: Prospective, randomized, case-control study. Control group with maintenance of hypotonic fluid and study group with isotonic fluid. Including children admitted to the Pediatric ICU of the Hospital de Clínicas de Curitiba. Excluded diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, chronic liver disease and less than four hours of hydration. RESULTS: Like osmolarity, although we did not observe statistical significance, the serum sodium of the hypotonic group had a decrease mainly in the first 12 hours while serum sodium from the isotonic group had a progressive increase in the first 48 hours. There was no hypernatremia in the patients who hydrated with isotonic solution. CONCLUSION: Hyponatremia was observed in the hypotonic solution control group. Complications such as neurological changes occurred only in the group with hypotonic solution after 12 hours of hydration, but without statistical significance

Gac. méd. boliv ; 42(1): 11-16, jun. 2019. tab.
Article in Spanish | LIBOCS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1007235


La fluidoterapia es un pilar del tratamiento del shock séptico, el acúmulo de un balance hídrico ≥ al 10% del peso se asocia con malos resultados hospitalarios. OBJETIVO: el presente estudio pretende determinar el Índice de Sobrecarga Hídrica (ISCH>10%) en pacientes con shock séptico, y sus principales asociaciones en función de mortalidad y morbilidad. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional y descriptivo, en 49 niños internados con shock séptico en la UTIP del HNMAV; se dividieron los pacientes en dos grupos según el ISCH > al 10% (22 pacientes) y <10% (18 pacientes), para su análisis descriptivo se incluyó comparación de medias y cálculo del OR. RESULTADOS: respecto a los requerimientos hídricos observamos que el grupo con ISCH>10% una media de 5681ml; mientras en el grupo con ISCH<10% la media fue de 3297,8ml (p=0,19), mostrando mayor sobrecarga con la administración de coloides y hemoderivados (p=0,02; p=0,004). Respecto a los resultados hospitalarios, se encontró morbilidad asociada al ISCH > 10% (disfunción respiratoria, requerimiento de vasopresores y terapia de remplazo renal). Los días de hospitalización y en UTIP no fueron diferentes en los grupos (p=0.6), pero hubo mayor mortalidad de pacientes con ISCH >10% (p=0.01; OR:5,57 IC95% 1,4-21,8). CONCLUSIONES: la administración de líquidos en el paciente con shock séptico constituye uno de los tratamientos hemodinámicos de primera línea, sin embargo, en establecimientos de recursos limitados se debe evitar la sobrecarga, principalmente por las morbilidades asociadas las primeras 72 horas.

Fluidtherapy is one pillar of the treatment of septic shock, however, a hydric ≥ 10% of the weight or Index of Water Overload (ISCH> 10%) is associated with poor hospital outcomes. OBJECTIVE: the present study aims to determine the ISCH in patients with septic shock, and its main associations in terms of mortality and morbidity. METHODS: an observational and descriptive study was conducted in 49 children hospitalized with septic shock in the UTIP of the HNMAV; The patients were divided into two groups according to the ISCH> 10% (22 patients) and <10% (18 patients), for their descriptive analysis we included comparison of means and calculation of the OR. RESULTS: regarding the water requirements we observed that the group with ISCH> 10% a mean of 5681ml; while in the group with ISCH <10% the mean was 3297.8ml (p= 0.19), showing greater overload with the administration of colloids and blood products (p = 0.02, p = 0.004). Regarding hospital outcomes, was found morbidity associated with ISCH > 10% (respiratory dysfunction, vasopressor requirement and renal replacement therapy); The length of hospitalization and UTIP were not different in groups (p = 0.6), but there was higher mortality of patients with SSI> 10% (p = 0.01, OR: 5.57 IC95% 1.4-21.8). CONCLUSIONS: fluids therapy of in the patient with septic shock constitutes one of the first-line hemodynamic treatments, however in limited resources settings, overload should be avoided, mainly due to associated morbidity during the first 72 hours.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Shock, Septic , Morbidity
Med. interna Méx ; 35(2): 235-250, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135171


Resumen La fluidoterapia es la primera maniobra realizada por el médico al estar en contacto con un paciente al que se pretende incrementar la volemia, la administración del tipo de solución parenteral, la cantidad y la duración en su aplicación es el reto del intensivista. En la actualidad el monitoreo hemodinámico ha tenido un importante avance tecnológico, al ser mínimamente invasivo y con constantes no sólo estáticas sino dinámicas, lo que ha permitido mejorar la toma de decisiones médicas en el paciente críticamente enfermo. Esta revisión no sistemática tiene como objetivo proporcionar una actualización de las mediciones que son consideradas nuevas herramientas ante viejos paradigmas en el monitoreo hemodinámico.

Abstract Fluid therapy is the first maneuver performed by the physician to be in contact with a patient who is intended to increase the volemia, the administration of parenteral solution type, the amount and duration in its application is the challenge of the intensivist. Currently the hemodynamic monitoring has undergone an important technological advance, being minimally invasive and with not only static but also dynamic constants, they have allowed to improve the medical decision making in the critically ill patient. The present non-systematic review aims to provide an update on measurements that are considered new tools before old paradigms in hemodynamic monitoring.

Rev. chil. anest ; 48(4): 344-351, 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452474


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the lower vena cava Collapse Index (CI) as a predictor parameter of hypotensive episodes after general anesthesia induction in ASA I and II patients who were scheduled for elective surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, observational and simple blind study was designed. A sample of 80 patients was recruited. In the preoperative stage, they underwent protocolarized sedation and CI was obtained. Prior to induction, the baseline values ​​of heart rate, non-invasive mean arterial pressure and continuous electrocardiographic tracing in DII were noted. In the post-orotracheal intubation stage, the aforementioned hemodynamic monitoring variables were recorded manually for 10 minutes. RESULTS: The data of 78 individuals are presented. After anesthetic induction, 8 (10.3%) patients developed hypotension. The adjustment of the univariate logistic regression model for CI shows a good diagnostic capacity, with the area under the ROC curve equal to 0.76. The chance of presenting hypotension is increased by 62% by increasing the CI by 5 points (p = 0.003). Regarding the negative predictive value, we found that with values ​​corresponding to the cutoff points between 39% and 46%, a probability of at least 93.1% of not presenting hypotension was obtained. The optimal cutoff point of the CI to predict hypotension is estimated at 43%, with a sensitivity of 62.5% and a specificity of 92.9%. CONCLUSION: A lower IC was associated with a lower probability of developing intraoperative hypotension. The use of this tool could be useful to anticipate which patients will be prone to intra-surgical hypotension.

OBJETIVO: Evaluar el índice de colapsabilidad (IC) de la vena cava inferior (VCI) como predictor de episodios hipotensivos posinducción de anestesia general en cirugía electiva de pacientes ASA I y II. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo, observacional y simple ciego. Se reclutó una muestra de 80 pacientes. En etapa preoperatoria fueron sometidos a una sedación protocolizada y se obtuvo el IC. Previo a la inducción, se anotaron los valores basales de la frecuencia cardíaca, la presión arterial media y el trazado electrocardiográfico continuo en DII. Posintubación orotraqueal, se registraron manualmente las variables hemodinámicas mencionadas durante 10 minutos. RESULTADOS: Se presentan datos de 78 individuos. Luego de la inducción, 8 (10,3%) pacientes desarrollaron hipotensión. El ajuste del modelo de regresión logística univariado para IC muestra una buena capacidad diagnóstica, siendo el área bajo la curva ROC igual a 0,76. La chance de presentar hipotensión se incrementa en un 62% al aumentar el IC en 5 puntos (p = 0,003). En cuanto al valor predictivo negativo, encontramos que con valores correspondientes a los puntos de corte entre 39% y 46%, se obtenía una probabilidad de 93,1% de no presentar hipotensión. El punto de corte óptimo del IC para predecir hipotensión se estima en 43%, con una sensibilidad del 62,5% y una especificidad del 92,9%. CONCLUSIÓN: Un menor IC se asoció con una menor probabilidad de desarrollar hipotensión intraoperatoria. El uso de esta herramienta podría ser de utilidad para anticipar qué pacientes serán propensos a hipotensión intraquirúrgica.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Vena Cava, Inferior/diagnostic imaging , Hypotension/diagnosis , Anesthesia, General/adverse effects , Vena Cava, Inferior/physiopathology , Logistic Models , Single-Blind Method , Central Venous Pressure , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Elective Surgical Procedures , Fluid Therapy , Hemodynamics , Hypotension/etiology , Intraoperative Complications/diagnosis , Intraoperative Complications/etiology
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. Univ. Cuenca ; 36(2): 9-17, Noviembre 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998626


Objetivo:Determinar la eficacia del tratamiento combinado de sales de rehidratación oral (SRO) y racecadotrilo frente al uso de SRO y placebo en los niños de 3 a 36 meses con enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), en el Servicio de Emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso (HVCM). Método:Ensayo clínico controlado ciego, en niños de 3 a 36 meses del servicio de emergencia del HVCM, con cuadro de enfermedad diarreica aguda, sin deshidratación o con deshidratación leve o moderada, que no necesiten hos-pitalización, sin tratamiento antidiarreico o antibiótico previo, cuyos padres o representantes legales firmen el consentimiento informado. Se reclutaron 79 pacientes, 45 en el grupo SRO más racecadotrilo y 34 grupo SRO más placebo. Resultados:Los grupos fueron comparables clínicamente, los pacientes del grupo SRO más racecadotrilo mostraron una diferencia significativa en el número de diarreas por día a partir de las 48 horas [2.7 (DS: ±1.5), grupo SRO más pla-cebo 4.1 (DS: ±2,6)] con una p: 0.012; a las 72 horas, el grupo racecadotrilo [2.2 (DS: ±1.7), y grupo placebo 3.3 (DS: ±2,5)] con p: 0.027. No se encontró diferencia significativa en las primeras 24 horas (p: 0.27). Conclusiones:Racecadotrilo es un medicamento eficaz en disminuir el número de diar-reas a partir de las 48 horas, en el tratamiento inicial de niños con EDA, acompañando a la terapia con SRO en un grupo de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso.

Objective:To determine the efficacy of the combined treatment of oral rehydration salts (ORS) and racecadotril against the use of ORS and placebo in children aged between 3 and 36 months with acute diarrhea disease (ADD), in the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital (VCMH) emergency service. Method:It is a blind controlled clinical trial in children from 3 to 36 months of the VCMH emergency service, with acute diarrheic disease, without dehydration or mild or moderate dehydration; they do not need hospitalization, without previous antidiarrheal treatment or antibiotic, if their parents or legal representatives sign the informed consent. A total of 79 patients were recruited, 45 in the ORS plus racecadotril group and 34 ORS plus placebo group. Results:The groups were clinically comparable, the patients in the ORS plus racecadotril group showed a significant difference in the number of diarrheas per day from 48 hours [2.7 (DS: ± 1.5), the ORS plus placebo group 4.1 (DS: ± 2.6)] with a p: 0.012; at 72 hours, the racecadotril group [2.2 (DS: ± 1.7), and placebo group [3.3 (DS: ± 2.5)] with p: 0.027. No significant difference was found in the first 24 hours (p: 0.27). Conclusions:Racecadotril is an effective medication to reduce the number of diarrhea after 48 hours, in the initial treatment of children with ADD accompanying ORS therapy in a group of patients treated at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Treatment Outcome , Dysentery , Ambulatory Care , Pediatrics , Dehydration , Gastroenteritis
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051830


Introducción: La fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias es ampliamente usada en la hiponatremia para estimar el sodio alcanzado por fluidoterapia, pero no se han hecho estudios para ver su utilidad en pacientes quemados. Objetivo: determinar la utilidad de la fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias en la estimación del sodio alcanzado post fluidoterapia en pacientes quemados. Material y método: estudio de cohorte descriptivo. Población: pacientes con edad < 14 años con quemaduras >10 % de SCQ, y pacientes > 14 años con SCQ >15%, que lleguen en las primeras 24 horas de la quemadura. El volumen de infusión se calculó a partir la SCQ. Se tomaron análisis de gases arteriales al ingreso y terminadas las primeras 24 horas para comparar la natremia. Finalmente se compara el sodio calculado con la fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias y el sodio real a las 24 horas. Resultados: población: 24 pacientes. El 79,2% de la población tuvo hiponatremia. La prueba t de student para muestras relacionadas comparó el sodio obtenido por la fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias y el sodio real a las 24 horas, obteniéndose un valor de t = 7,893 (IC 95%, p = 0,000189). El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson no mostró significancia estadística al relacionar las características clínicas con la diferencia entre el sodio obtenido por la fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias y el sodio real a las 24 horas. Conclusión: la fórmula de Adrogué ­ Madias no es útil en la determinación del sodio post fluidoterapia en pacientes quemados.

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(1): 42-50, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900067


Resumen: Introducción: Este estudio tuvo por objetivo valorar las diferencias entre el tipo de fluidoterapia ini cial utilizada (sueros isotónicos o hipotónicos) en el desarrollo de hiponatremia, valores de cloro y to lerancia de las vías venosas. Pacientes y Método: Estudio retrospectivo de cohortes en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP) de un hospital terciario. Se incluyeron niños menores de 15 años ingresados durante el primer semestre de los años 2010 y 2013, que recibieron fluidoterapia in travenosa, excluyéndose los sometidos a cirugía cardiaca, trasplantados renales y aquellos con ingreso inferior a 24 h. Se recogieron datos epidemiológicos, de comorbilidad y relacionados con el ingreso, tipo de suero recibido, valores de sodio y cloro en las primeras 72 h y la incidencia de extravasaciones de vías periféricas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 111 niños: 68 (61,3%) recibieron líquidos hipotónicos y 43 (38,7%) isotónicos. No hubo diferencias respecto a la patología y gravedad, ni tampoco en el volumen de líquidos recibido. Entre los pacientes que recibieron sueros hipotónicos, 28 (41,2%) pre sentaron hiponatremia, siendo esta moderada (Na <130 mEq/kg) en 11 de ellos, en comparación con 8 niños (18,6%) entre los que recibieron sueros isotónicos, registrando hiponatremia moderada solo en un caso (p=0,027). No se registró ningún caso de hipernatremia, ni hubo diferencias en los valores de cloro plasmático. Tampoco se objetivó mayor frecuencia de pérdida del acceso venoso utilizando la fluidoterapia isotónica (4,7% vs. 7,4%, p=0,704). Conclusión: El uso de líquidos iniciales isotóni cos en niños hospitalizados en UCIP se asocia con menor incidencia y gravedad de hiponatremia, sin cambio en la cloremia y es bien tolerado por las vías venosas periféricas.

Abstract: Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between the type of initial fluid therapy used (isotonic or hypotonic solutions) and the development of hyponatremia, the plas ma chlorine values and the tolerance of venous access. Patients and Method: Retrospective cohort study in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of a high complexity hospital. There were included children younger than 15 years old hospitalized during the first semester of 2010 and 2013 who recei ved intravenous maintenance fluid therapy, excluding patients undergoing cardiac surgery, kidney transplant and admissions that lasted less than 24 hours. Epidemiological, comorbidity and admis sion-related data were collected, including type of solution received, sodium and chlorine values in the first 72 hours of hospitalization and the incidence of extravasation of peripheral intravenous lines. Results: 111 children were included; 68 children (61.3%) were treated with hypotonic solutions and 43 (38.7%) with isotonic solutions. There were no differences in pathology and severity, and also in the volume of fluid received. Among the patients who received hypotonic solutions, 28 (41.2%) de veloped hyponatremia, wich was moderate (Na <130 mEq/Kg) in 11 cases, compared with 8 children (18.6%) who received isotonic solutions, with only one case of moderate hyponatremia (p = 0.027). No cases of hypernatremia were recorded, and there were no differences in plasma chlorine values. There was also no increased frequency of venous access loss in patients treated with isotonic solutions (4.7% versus 7.4%, p = 0.704). Conclusion: Treatment with initial isotonic solutions in children hos pitalized in PICU is associated with a lower incidence and severity of hyponatremia, without changes in the plasma chlorine values and it is well tolerated by peripheral intravenous lines.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Critical Care/methods , Fluid Therapy/adverse effects , Fluid Therapy/methods , Hyponatremia/etiology , Severity of Illness Index , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Hyponatremia/diagnosis , Hyponatremia/epidemiology , Hypotonic Solutions , Iatrogenic Disease , Isotonic Solutions
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 46(2): 124-134, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901211


Introducción: dos factores importantes han sido descritos como contribuyentes en la aparición de fatiga durante el ejercicio físico: la disminución de las reservas de glucógeno muscular y la pérdida de agua con electrolitos a través del sudor, que favorecen la deshidratación. Debido a esto, la reposición de líquidos y electrolitos posterior al ejercicio físico se transforma en la prioridad para restablecer la homeostasis corporal alterada durante el ejercicio físico. Por su composición nutricional, la leche parece ser una buena alternativa natural como bebida rehidratante posterior al ejercicio físico. Objetivo: comparar la efectividad como bebida de rehidratación de la leche descremada chocolatada contra una bebida deportiva artificial en militares, a partir de la hipótesis de que la leche descremada chocolatada tiene iguales o mejores efectos sobre la hidratación post ejercicio, que una bebida deportiva artificial. Método: 30 militares (23,0 ± 3,2 años) se dividieron en 2 grupos: 1) rehidratación con bebida deportiva con 6 pòr ciento de carbohidratos y relación de Na/K 2:1 (grupo ISO). Rehidratación con leche descremada chocolatada (grupo LECHE). Se evaluó la retención de fluidos a través del peso corporal y la gravedad específica de la orina (GEO) antes y después del ejercicio físico y posterior a las 2 horas de rehidratación. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas (p< 0,05) en la retención de fluidos en el grupo LECHE comparado con el grupo ISO. No hubo diferencias significativas entre la GEO de ambos grupos. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran que la rehidratación con leche descremada es más efectiva en la retención de fluidos y recuperación del peso previo al ejercicio que la bebida deportiva(AU)

ntroduction: Two important factors have been described as contributing to the onset of fatigue during physical exercise: Decreased muscle glycogen stores and the loss of water with electrolytes through sweating, favoring dehydration. Because of this, fluid and electrolyte replacement after physical exercise becomes the priority to restore altered body homeostasis during physical exercise. Due to its nutritional composition, milk appears to be a good natural alternative as a rehydration beverage after exercise. Objective: To compare the effectiveness chocolate skim milk as pots-exercise rehydration beverage with an artificial sports drink in the military, based on the hypothesis that chocolate skim milk has equal or better effects on post-exercise hydration than an artificial sports drink. Method: 30 soldiers (23.0 ± 3.2 years) were divided into 2 groups: 1) rehydration with sports drink with 6 percent carbohydrates and ratio of Na / K 2: 1 (ISO group). Rehydration with chocolate skim milk (LECHE group). Fluid retention was assessed through body weight and the specific gravity of urine (GEO) before and after physical exercise and after 2 hours of rehydration. Results: significant differences were found (p < 0.05) in fluid retention in the LECHE group compared to the ISO group. There were no significant differences between the GEO of both groups. Conclusion: The results show that rehydration with skim milk is more effective in fluid retention and weight recovery prior to exercise than sports drink(AU)

Humans , Male , Exercise/physiology , Dehydration/etiology , Milk/metabolism , Athletic Performance/statistics & numerical data , Isotonic Solutions/administration & dosage